an original feature motion picture written by Richard Mauro.
Script Coverage by ISA, Austin Screenplay Awards, Black List, and WeScreenplay can be found HERE.
"Bold, provocative, and human, it is a powerful, haunting script that dares to go to a dark, disturbing, but ultimately redemptive place most movies about the Holocaust wouldn't attempt." - THE BLACKLIST
In the days before his execution for war crimes, Rudolf Höss, the former Kommandant of Auschwitz, is forced to relive his life. As a privileged yet tormented Nazi officer he attemepted to safeguard his wife and children from his murderous superiors. But Höess is strong-armed into building a brutal death camp - Auschwitz. One of his prisoners is a priest who defies the camp's agenda of cruelty with brazen acts of mercy. In the end, the Kommandant kills the priest, but not before the priest opens the door for the Kommandant to God's mercy.

Raised to be a priest he became a soldier and a mass murderer. Another, wanting to be a soldier, became a priest.
"In Auschwitz, where millions of innocents were murdered by the Nazis under Rudolf Höss's command, there was no mercy. So, who would believe that mercy and forgiveness could be granted to the Commandant of Auschwitz, perhaps history's greatest mass executioner? He deserves to suffer and die a horrible death ten times over. But the message behind The Confession is that mercy is available to anyone that seeks it, no matter what they have done. Rudolf Höss's story shows this. That is the significance of this movie." - RICH MAURO, screenwriter
Background on the story and the script.
Download the Look Book. CLICK on the image below. Best viewed as a 2-page spread.
Listen to Al Kresta's 2-Part Interview with Stan Williams (19 min)
Stan Williams, Executive Producer
P.O. Box 29, Novi, MI 48376 USA
Michigan, USA 1+248-344-4423
Copyright (c) 2020, Stanley D. Williams
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SWC Films (Production)
The Moral Premise (Story Development)
Nineveh's Crossing Media Distribution