DISC A Contents

Lesson 1 - Trial and Temptation
Lesson 2 - Poverty and Riches
Lesson 3 - Wisdom From Above
Lesson 4 - 'Wisdom' From Below
Lesson 5 - Hearing and Doing The Word
Lesson 6 - Warning Against Partiality

DISC B Contents

Lesson 7 - Faith and Works
Lesson 8 - The Tongue
Lesson 9 - Friendship With The World
Lesson 10 - Judging and Correcting
Lesson 11 - Warning Against Boasting
Lesson 12 - Patience and Humility
Lesson 13 - Prayer and Confession

Click Here for
PDF summary of series and lesson synopses
We are now shipping Wisdom From Above with a replacment DVD for Disc A that corrects a minor programming problem with Lesson 4. If you have trouble playing back Lesson 4 past 4 min 18 seconds contact us for a replacement DVD. The replacment DVD has a GREEN label. The original has a RED label.

Order DVD
13 x 28 min episodes on 2 DVDs.
All Regions. English Only.
SPECIAL - $2.99

Order Study Guide Download
The Study Guide consists of a 76-page PDF that you can downlaod immediately after purchase. Designed for printing on 8.5 x 11 inch looseleaf paper. You can make as many printed copies as you like after purchase.
Download - $1.99

For the documentary programs on Alex's conversion from Evangelical Pentecostalism to Roman Catholicism, click the image.

DVD Jacket

Excerpt from Lesson 1
Trial and Temptation (Opening)

Featurette from Lesson 11
Why Study the Bible - Part 2

Excerpt from Lesson 13
Prayer and Confession

Excerpt from Lesson 8
The Tongue

Featurette from Lesson 4
"Wisdom" From Below

Excerpt from Lesson 9
Friendship with the World (Ending)
BACK OF JACKET COPY: St. James, the writer of the Epistle, was in a unique position to guide Christians in first century, and today, his letter is still applicable. An early skeptic that Jesus was the Messiah, even though he was Jesus' half-brother, James became the first bishop of the church in Jerusalem; and he appears prominently at the apostles' first council in Jerusalem and at Paul's return from his missionary journey (Acts 15:13-21; 18). James was one of the first to see the risen Lord (1 Cor. 15:7), and he was a powerful influence representing the "Jewish element" in the church of the Galatians (Gal. 1:19; 2:12). Also known as "James the Just," the author of this epistle was held in high admiration by both Jews and Christians because of his piety. In fact, his prayer life was so intense that he was called "camel-knees" because of callouses on his knees. When he insisted that Jesus was the Messiah, he was thrown off of the Temple parapet and then bludgeoned to a martyr's death with a fuller's club. Today, the Epistle of James is a favorite of Christians because of its directness, brevity, and practicality. In the face of trials, temptations and sufferings, James explains clearly how to live happily and successfully.
Sponosrs/Associate Producers/Contributors
Summer 2012 Production Made Possible Through the Contributions of These Generous Individuals
$1,000 or more
Cheryl Evans
Lawrence Labow
Laura Smith & Terri O'Connell of
Abundant Graces Books
Bethlehem, PA 610-865-1702
Adrian Head
Aida Lemons
Alwyn Leyland
Andre J. & Sandra L. Gray
Arlette Beaulieu
Cheryl Dickow, Bezalel Books
Chris McCrosson
Christian F Weigman
Deborah Breitenbeck
Diane Hanson
Dietta Pope
Don and Teresa Dearing
East Iowa Trading Company
Fr. George Sammut
George Tranum
Germain Apeatro
Glen Allen
Jacquelyn M. Watson
James & Sheila M. Roy
James Romportl
John Bowden
L Marie Caddell
Loretta Guyon
Marie Chong
Michael Lambert
Mike Mahony
Michael Shea
Mona Huffman
Nicole Chong
Pamela Thome
Rhonda Knowles
Stan & Noel Culbertson
Tracy Trost
$10 to $74
Carmen Lebron
Charlithia Knox
Cris Mc Crosson
Daniel Heffernan
Doug Goulet
Jay Glowacki
Katherine E. Gillen
Kendall R. Curry
Loretta S. & Dennis J. O'Flynn
Maria Carbaugh
Mwaura Chege
Nancy Finkenzeller
Peter Sciarra
Ralph Shumate Perez
Robert Tiegs
Susan E Gross

Our Audience
It is fitting that we also acknowledge our volunteer audience. Thank you all for coming. Here's the list as best we have it in alphabetical order by first name. If you were in our audience, and your name is not here or we misspelled it, please let us know.
Albert Brachulis
Anna Jones
Aurelia Czeski
Ben Jones
Betty Theisen
Catherine Anderson
Charles Smulkstis
Christine Kubica
Dan Czeski
Daphlene Brooks
Diane Korzeniewski
Donna C. Jones
Donna Kutylowski
Elizabeth Katapady
Frances Schonfeld
Francis Yavish
Fred Hafler
Gerald Berndt
Gloria Yarber (reader)
Henry Matylonek
Jacqueline D'Onofrio
James M. Roy
Jan Swedorske
Jennifer Wilson (reader)
John J. Emerson
John Kubica
Joseph Jones
Joseph Jones II
Kathleen Kovach
Linus Aharauka
Lloyd Granville
Louisa Zachmann
Marc Jones
Maria Onwudiwc
Norma Braxton
Pam Williams (reader)
Priscilla David
Richard Stringer
Stephanie Boyd
Thomas Kovach
Victoria Aharauka
Wayne Madlo
Worthy Schonfeld

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