The documentary is available worldwide, for free streaming.
This documentary is a personal interpretation of human history, religious legends, and the Christian Bible. It is intended to be provocative, educational, and entertaining. It is not intended, nor should it be taken as the teachings of any Christian church or organization. It is not a proclamation of doctrine, the Gospel, or dogma, although there are such references to such throughout.
In the interest of the widest possible reach there are few restrictions to the documentary's screening. You can watch it at your leisure in the privacy of your home, or screen it for your associates at work, or show it to large groups. Permission is herein granted. This permission is also extended to media outlets (including other Internet websites) who may want to use all or part of the documentary by embedding the Vimeo code or link, or downloading the file from the Vimeo website. If you have a Vimeo account you can do that free of charge. The files we've uploaded to Vimeo are not the highest resolution we have available, but hopefully are sufficient for signal clarity and fluent streaming.
If you use all or part of this documentary there are restrictions. You must not alter, change, obscure, crop, or edit any material. We don't care if you're a Christian non-profit organization, if you misuse our material, or crop out the "Nineveh's Crossing" logo that appears at the beginning of each episode, or do not include the final credits FULL SCREEN as intended (when screening the entire program), and we find out, we will sue for damages. This has to be stated because it has happened before and it is wrong, regardless of so called non-profit, Christian, or benevolent purposes.
If you are a contributing sponsor, donor, or credited person in this effort, please check the credits at the end of the program. You can access them directly by clicking on the timeline at the far right. IF WE HAVE MISSPELLED YOUR NAME, or anything else that needs correcting, we will make revisions on a week-to-week basis, as needed.
This documentary was produced in the interest of public education, historical research, and religious scholarship. As such it has made "fair use" of material permitted by the copyright statute, under Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act 1976, that might otherwise be infringing.
Copyright (c) 2024, Stanley D. Williams. All Rights Reserved.